Why Self-Care is Essential to Your Legacy — And Way Easier Than You Think!
Self-care. For some of us, it sounds like an indulgence; for others, maybe a luxury we don’t quite think we can fit into our already packed schedules. But here’s the real deal: self-care is actually one of the most practical, lasting gifts we can give our families and loved ones. It’s about living well so we can give well. A legacy isn’t just about what you leave behind; it’s about how you live right now — modeling a life that’s joyful, balanced, and thriving.
Once upon a time, in a home well-known to me, I had a self-care revelation that was as funny as it was enlightening. You see, like many of us, I had been caught up in the daily grind — work (mostly), family, chores, you name it. I had heard about the wonders of self-care, but I kept thinking, “Who has time for that?” But every so often I would give it a try.
One particularly hectic week, I decided enough was enough. I’d been looking forward to this moment for days: a long, hot bubble bath (even though my tub wasn't really deep enough), an avocado mask, I'd found a recipe online and topped - of course - with candles, soft music, and maybe even a glass of wine. It was my grand plan for relaxation and rejuvenation!
I gathered all my supplies and retreated to the bathroom, feeling like a queen preparing for her throne. I filled the tub, added my favorite lavender-scented bubble bath, and lit the candles with the grace of a seasoned spa professional. I applied my my mashed green concoction to my face and all was perfect. I took a deep breath, slipped into the water, and felt all my stress float away.

Just as I began to unwind, I heard my grandson's voice - the one who loves all things green and dinosaur-ish. He and his dad had just come in and he wanted to share the fun he's had on his outing. Gramma, Gramma! And without a knock, he barged into the bathroom ready to share. But he took one look at me and stopped in his tracks. Gramma, what's wrong with your face. He just stared and pointed. After a few seconds of silence, he burst into laughter and shouted "you look just like Tyrannosaurus Rex. No, like Godzilla (his favorite). He has a great imagination and propensity to exaggerate. He fell on the floor laughing like he had never seen anything funnier than my face. Actually, that's what he said. Gramma, you face is the funniest thing I ever saw"!
Well, so much for my beautifully planned quiet, peaceful spa treatment. Through my tears of laughter, I ordered him out (it took him awhile to pull himself together). He then went to share funny I looked with his dad, still falling on the floor in laughter.
I got out of the tub, (it was cooling off anyway) looked iI did explain over dinner what I was doing. It just made him laugh all over again. I'll try again when he's definitely not going to be around.
Now imagine him and his cousins (that he so readily shared my funny looks with) looking back on that one day. Especially as they show them how important self care is. Imagine your family or friends looking back on YOU one day. They’ll remember how you lived more than any possessions you left behind. That’s why creating a self-care routine that works for you isn’t just nice — it’s an investment in the memories, values, and happiness you pass down. And it doesn’t have to be time-consuming, difficult, or serious. Let’s dive into how self-care can be both easy and meaningful for the legacy you’re building!
Self-Care: Building a Legacy of Real Strength
True strength isn’t about who can push the hardest without breaking; it’s about resilience. It's about getting back up when you fall down...every time. It's about knowing you have to take care for you because no one else will. Not in your day to day. It's not their job. When you prioritize self-care, you give your family a lasting example of self-love and inner strength, not because you never had struggles, but because you knew how to care for yourself through them. It’s like saying, “Life gets challenging sometimes, but we’re built to not just survive but thrive through it.” By making self-care a priority, you’re showing those around you that taking time for yourself is as vital as showing up for others.
Modeling Self-Love: The Real Superpower
There’s a good chance that many of us grew up with the idea that taking care of others was the ultimate act of love, even if it meant ignoring our own needs. But what if we could model a healthier message for the next generation? What if we could show our kids, grandkids, or friends that loving yourself is loving others? When they see you practicing self-care — whether that’s enjoying a quiet moment, sticking to your boundaries, taking a long walk, buying yourself flowers or growing your own, dancing just because you can or having a good laugh with friends — you give them permission to take care of themselves too. Think of it as your superpower!
Passing Down Peace of Mind
When we take time to care for our mental health, we aren’t just recharging ourselves; we’re also giving the people around us a version of us that’s less stressed, more at peace, and more present. They’ll remember your laughter, patience, and even the little quirks that make you - you -more vividly than any to-do list you ever kept. Plus, there’s nothing better than knowing you’re sharing a legacy of calm rather than one of chaos!
Faith, Family, and Well-Being: A Trio Worth Cherishing
If you’re rooted in faith, self-care is like living out your values. You’re taking care of the body, mind, and spirit God has blessed you with. Every moment you invest in yourself is an act of gratitude. And by doing so, you’re quietly passing along the message that well-being, family, and faith all go hand in hand. It’s about embracing life fully, a way of showing that God’s blessings are meant to be enjoyed and shared.
Simple Self-Care Tips to Pass Down
Wondering how to make self-care part of the legacy you pass down? Start small! Here are a few fun, easy ways to make self-care part of your everyday life (and legacy):
Create Family Traditions – Whether it’s a weekly movie night, a “family walk” day, A Saturday morning breakfast together or even a quiet Sunday dinner routine, these small traditions create moments of connection and relaxation that everyone will cherish.
Share the Funny, Real Stories – Self-care doesn’t have to look perfect! Share those hilarious moments when you tried yoga and fell over, or even funnier -passed gas. Or when you realized that five minutes alone with a coffee can work wonders. Self-care is all about learning as you go. As you can see I am not the guru of self-care. And I don't always practice what I preach (that doesn't sound good coming from a preacher :(lol). When it comes to self care we are all here together, becoming more adept at taking better care of ourselves, at all levels of the spectrum.
Take a “Mini-You” Break – Self-care doesn’t mean you have to book a spa day. Find five minutes in your day to do something you love, whether that’s doodling, having a mini-dance party, or reading a quick chapter of a book. It’s the small things that add up!
Encourage Loved Ones to Join In – Self-care isn’t just for you; it’s for everyone. Invite those around you to take part in some self-care fun. Send a friend a silly meme or challenge a family member to take a break and join you for a walk. Little acts make a big impact.
When you make self-care a natural part of your life, you’re creating a legacy that reminds everyone that it’s okay — even necessary — to take a break, recharge, and celebrate life. And as you do, you’re building memories and traditions that carry more weight than anything material ever could. Because self-care is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself and the people you love. So take a deep breath, have a laugh, and remember: you’re building a legacy of love, one self-care moment at a time.
We're in this together,
Blessed and Building!
To my Legacy Ladies,
Rev. Sunae